JSON-RPC Endpoints


Routing Table Stats


Fetch meta information about the routing table.

  • Params: None

  • Returns: TableInfoResponse

>>> rpc('discv5_routingTableInfo')
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': {
    'center_node_id': '0xabcd....',
    'num_buckets': 256,
    'bucket_size': 16,
    'buckets': {...}

Local ENR Management


Fetch information about the local node. Delegates call to ENRManager.enr

  • Params: None

  • Returns: NodeInfoResponse

>>> rpc('discv5_nodeInfo')
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': {
    'node_id': '0xabcd....',
    'enr': 'enr:-...'


Add, update, or remove a key-value pair from the local node record. To remove an existing key, update it with a value of None, e.g. ('0xabcd', None). Returns the new representation of the updated node. Delegates call to ENRManager.update.

  • Params: kv_pairs: List[KV_PAIRS]

  • Returns: NodeInfoResponse

>>> rpc('discv5_updateNodeInfo', [('0xabcd', '0x6789')])
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': {
    'node_id': '0xabcd....',
    'enr': 'enr:-...'

Discovery v5.1

  • ANY_NODE_REPR: This can be either Node ID, enode address, or string representation of an enr.

  • ENR_REPR: String representation of an enr.

Retrieve and Modify ENR Records


Write an ethereum node record to the database. Returns None if the node record has been successfully saved. Delegates call to ENRDB.set_enr.

  • Params: enr: ENR_REPR

  • Returns: None

>>> rpc('discv5_setENR', ['enr:-...'])
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': None


Fetch the latest ENR associated with the given node ID. Delegates call to ENRDB.get_enr.

  • Params: node_id: ANY_NODE_REPR

  • Returns: GetENRResponse

>>> rpc('discv5_getENR', ['0xabcd...'])
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': {
    'enr_repr': 'enr:-...'


Delete a Node ID from the local database. Returns None upon successful deletion of the node record. Delegates call to ENRDB.delete_enr.

  • Params: node_id: ANY_NODE_REPR

  • Returns: None

>>> rpc('discv5_deleteENR', ['enr:-...'])
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': None


Fetch the ENR representation associated with the given Node ID and optional sequence number. Delegates call to NetworkAPI.lookup_enr.

  • Params: node_id: ANY_NODE_REPR, sequence_number: Optional[int]

  • Returns: GetENRResponse

>>> rpc('discv5_lookupENR', ['0xabc...', 1])
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': {
    'enr_repr': 'enr:-...'

ClientAPI Singular Message Sending


Send a PING message to the specified node. Delegates call to ClientAPI.send_ping.

  • Params: node_id: ANY_NODE_REPR

  • Returns: SendPingResponse

>>> rpc('discv5_sendPing', ['enr:-...'])
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': {
    'request_id': '0xabcd...',


Respond to a received PING message, by sending a PONG message to the initiating node. Delegates call to ClientAPI.send_pong.

  • Params: node_id: ANY_NODE_REPR, request_id: HexStr

  • Returns: None

>>> rpc('discv5_sendPong', ['enr:-...', '0xabcd...'])
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': None


Send a FINDNODES request to a peer, to search within the given set of distances. Returns the request ID assigned to the request. Delegates call to ClientAPI.send_find_nodes.

  • Params: node_id: ANY_NODE_REPR, distances: List[int]

  • Returns: HexStr

>>> rpc('discv5_sendFindNodes', ['enr:-...', [1, 2, 3]])
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': '0x00000000'


Respond to a specific FINDNODES request with a FOUNDNODES response. Returns the number of batches in which the given ENRs were divided and transmitted. Delegates call to ClientAPI.send_found_nodes.

  • Params: node_id: ANY_NODE_REPR, found_nodes: List[ENR_REPR], request_id: HexStr

  • Returns: int

>>> rpc('discv5_sendFoundNodes', ['enr:-...', ['enr:-...', 'enr:-...'], '0xabcd...'])
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': 1


Send a TALKREQUEST request with a payload to the given peer. Returns the request ID assigned to the request. Delegates call to ClientAPI.send_talk_request.

  • Params: node_id: ANY_NODE_REPR, protocol: HexStr, payload: HexStr

  • Returns: HexStr

>>> rpc('discv5_sendTalkRequest', ['enr:-...', '0xabcd...', '0x1234...'])
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': '0x00000000'


Respond to a TALKREQUEST request by sending a TALKRESPONSE response. Delegates call to ClientAPI.send_talk_response.

  • Params: node_id: ANY_NODE_REPR, payload: HexStr, request_id: HexStr

  • Returns: None

>>> rpc('discv5_sendTalkResponse', ['enr:-...', '0xabcd...', '0x1234...'])
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': None

NetworkAPI Round Trip Messages


Send a PING message to the designated node and wait for a PONG response. Delegates call to NetworkAPI.ping.

  • Params: node_id: ANY_NODE_REPR

  • Returns: PongResponse

>>> rpc('discv5_ping', ['enr:-...'])
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': {
    'enr_seq': 3,
    'packet_ip': '',
    'packet_port': 30303


Send a FINDNODES request for nodes that fall within the given set of distances, to the designated peer and wait for a response. Delegates call to NetworkAPI.find_nodes.

  • Params: node_id: ANY_NODE_REPR, distances: List[int]

  • Returns: List[ENR_REPR]

>>> rpc('discv5_findNodes', ['enr:-...', [1, 2, 3]])
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': ['enr:-...', 'enr:-...']


Send a TALKREQUEST request to the designated node, and wait for its TALKRESPONSE response which is returned as a hexstring. Delegates call to NetworkAPI.talk.

  • Params: node_id: ANY_NODE_REPR, protocol: HexStr, payload: HexStr

  • Returns: HexStr

>>> rpc('discv5_talk', ['enr:-...', '0x1234...', '0x5678...'])
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': '0xabcd...'

High Level NetworkAPI


Lookup a target node within in the network. Delegates call to NetworkAPI.recursive_find_nodes.

  • Params: node_id: ANY_NODE_REPR

  • Returns: List[ENR_REPR]

>>> rpc('discv5_recursiveFindNodes', ['enr:-...'])
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': ['enr:-...', 'enr:-...']


Bond with the given node to ensure liveness. Delegates call to NetworkAPI.bond.

  • Params: node_id: ANY_NODE_REPR

  • Returns: bool

>>> rpc('discv5_bond', ['enr:-...'])
  'id': 0,
  'jsonrpc': '2.0',
  'result': True